Friday Night Funkin’ Split APK allows us to play from the mobile to the new MODS for FNF that include a new version of the Split song of the famous MOD Bob and Bossip, in which new playable characters are included. Below you can find two MODS that include this song to which new custom elements are added:
EX VS Taeyai includes a playable version of the character Taeyai. We will find a MOD in which appears the typical background of the Bob and Bossip song, in which we will find the screen divided in two. In the middle of the screen we will see Taeyai, which replaces BF in an epic rap battle against Bob.
Garcello VS Tord includes a new version of Bob and Bossip’s Split song in which we will find a playable version of Tord, replacing BF, while the antagonist will be the ghost version of Garcello, whom we will find sitting floating in the background of Bob’s desktop (replacing Bob). The screen will also be split in two, in the right half we will see part of VS Tord’s background.
Download Split: EX VS Taeyai MOD APK for Android – Friday Night Funkin’ Mobile
Download Split : Garcello VS Tord MOD APK for Android – Friday Night Funkin’ Mobile
How to install Split APK on Android (FNF MOD)
To install Split on Android you will just need to follow the same steps as installing any APK on Android.
- Download the .apk file on your mobile device.
- Open the APK file taking into account that you have to have the option of applications of unknown origin disabled in Android.
- Install the APK file.
- Open the MOD and enjoy the new week that it includes in the game.