Friday Night Funkin’ JellyBean VS Skeletons APK allows us to enjoy the MOD JellyBean VS Skeletons on our Android device. This is a MOD in which we will see a peculiar musical duel, this time we will not be the BF, but we will represent a famous well-known Youtuber called JellyBean, community users who like this platform and/or the popularly known video game of Minecraft, surely know him.
As for the music section, we have a single song, which has a small spoken intro at the beginning and another one to end the duel. It is a very fast paced and with a very high level of difficulty, even for expert players.
Graphically we have a background and Skins fully customized and focused on the theme of this musical duel. The background simulates the scenario that JellyBean has when he makes his Minecraft streams and his Skin is the same as the one we are used to seeing him. On the part of the Skeletons, we will see how they present some funny animations and that the rival does not come alone, but is accompanied by 2 more Skeletons, which gives a perfect atmosphere for this musical duel.
Download FNF JellyBean VS Skeletons MOD APK for Android – Friday Night Funkin’ Mobile
How to install JellyBean VS Skeletons APK on Android (FNF MOD)
To install JellyBean VS Skeletons on Android you will just need to follow the same steps as installing any APK on Android.
- Download the .apk file on your mobile device.
- Open the APK file taking into account that you have to have the option of applications of unknown origin disabled in Android.
- Install the APK file.
- Open the MOD and enjoy the new week that it includes in the game.