Friday Night Funkin’ VS Shaggy [Remix/Bsides] APK (Android) allows us to play one of the highest quality MODs of FNF from our mobile. FNF VS Shaggy [Remix/Bsides] brings us a new remix of one of the best MODs of Friday Night Funkin’ of all time: VS Shaggy, and also this remake comes from the hand of Bsides which is a guarantee of quality quality in this type of remixes.
Regarding the musical section of VS Shaggy Remix, it must be said that it does not present a lot of new features compared to the original MOD, and we will have available all the musical content of the VS Shaggy MOD and it seems to be more than enough because we will have a variety of songs and also a great difficulty some of them.
As for the graphics section is where we have more news, and is that we will start with the Skins of the characters which have received changes from the original version. We will also have new Backgrounds where the musical duels take place, and finally it should be noted that the animations of the characters when playing the songs have been redesigned.
Download FNF VS Shaggy [Remix/Bsides] MOD APK for Android – Friday Night Funkin’ Mobile
You can download the MOD APK file from the following Google Drive mirror.
How to install FNF VS Shaggy [Remix/Bsides] APK on Android (FNF MOD)
To install FNF VS Shaggy [Remix/Bsides] APK on Android you just need to follow the same steps as installing any APK on Android.
- Download the .apk file on your mobile.
- Open the APK file keeping in mind that you have to have the option for apps of unknown origin disabled on Android.
- Install the APK file.
- Open the MOD and enjoy the new week included in the game.