Friday Night Funkin’ Broken Heart VS Boyfriend APK allows us to enjoy the Broken Heart VS Boyfriend MOD on our Android device. This is a rather sad MOD as in it we can see how it focuses on a love theme of breakup in which we have our main characters arguing on the phone.
As far as the musical aspect is concerned, we have a single song with an intermediate difficulty level and nothing pleasant to listen to, since we notice casual tones and as a tragedy to be witnessing a love breakup. We have a single background in which we see how the Skins by BF and GF do not tell us anything new, since this MOD focuses mainly on the painful theme of love on many occasions.
Download FNF VS Broken Heart VS Boyfriend MOD APK for Android – Friday Night Funkin’ Mobile
How to install VS Broken Heart VS Boyfriend APK on Android (FNF MOD)
To install VS Broken Heart VS Boyfriend on Android you will just need to follow the same steps as installing any APK on Android.
- Download the .apk file on your mobile.
- Open the APK file keeping in mind that you have to have the option of applications of unknown origin disabled in Android.
- Install the APK file.
- Open the MOD and enjoy the new week included in the game.