FNF VS Squid Game 1.5 APK (Android Port) – Download MOD

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Friday Night Funkin’ VS Squid Game 1.5 APK (Android) allows us to play one of the FNF’s highest quality MODs from our mobile. FNF VS Squid Game 1.5 is a MOD inspired by the successful Netflix series known by the same name: “The Squid Game”. A series that both for its plot, originality, provenance, actors … has broken with all the molds of the established and has been put at the head of the most watched series this 2021.

VS Squid Game 1.5 APK

Regarding the MOD, it should be noted that in addition to our opponent who will be one of the famous guards of “The Squid Game”, it has many other elements inspired from the series:

  • The Skins of both BF and GF are exactly the costumes worn by the players of the well-known game in the series, a dark green tracksuit each with a numbering.
  • As for the Backgrounds, they are also inspired by the scenarios of the different games that we will have to overcome if we do not want to die trying.
  • The music of the MOD, that is to say the different songs that we will have to overcome if we want to be victorious, are also inspired by the soundtrack of the Netflix series.

It should be noted that we will also have custom dialogues through which we will be telling us the plot of the MOD, although if we have seen the series it is not surprising that we already imagine most of the plot.

Overall, this is a very original MOD, about a viral phenomenon right now, and it is also very well done and with a high quality content, so it is highly recommended.

Download FNF VS Squid Game 1.5 APK MOD APK for Android – Friday Night Funkin’ Mobile

You can download the MOD APK file from the following Google Drive mirror.

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How to install FNF VS Squid Game 1.5 APK on Android (FNF MOD)

To install FNF VS Squid Game 1.5 APK on Android you will just need to follow the same steps as installing any APK on Android.

  1. Download the .apk file on your mobile device
  2. Open the APK file taking into account that you have to have the option of applications of unknown origin disabled in Android.
  3. Install the APK file.
  4. Open the MOD and enjoy the new week that it includes in the game.

At FNF.Mobi you can download more FNF MODs APKs for Android: